LabEx ICST comprises 16 équipes from 5 research units: Institut de Pharmacologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire (IPMC, Sophia Antipolis), Laboratoire de Physio-Médecine Moléculaire (LP2M, Nice), Institut de Génomique Fonctionnelle (IGF, Montpellier), Grenoble Institut des Neurosciences (GIN), Institut de Biologie Structurale (IBS, Grenoble) and Laboratoire de Physiologie Cellulaire (PhyCell, Villeneuve d'Asq).
The overall ambition of ICST is to become a world-wide recognized clusters in ion channel studies carrying research and innovation at the interface of biology and medecine.
With the integration of outstanding teams from top class multi-thematic research centers in a single wall-less federation, ICST will create value by pushing back the frontiers of knowledge. Researchers in ICST will have a complete environment for exercising their expertise and for benefiting of the multiple levels of expertise of each consituting teams. Visiting positions will be available throughout the year, as well as specific training sessions and frequent symposia connected with the whole ion channel community.
This LabEx aims to develop the skills and competences of young graduates in the field of ion channels. Particular attention will be paid to the skills needed for international careers in industry and academic
These connections include the involvement of industrial partners or representative in the steering committee and licensing to industry of public-owned patents and technologies.
ICST seeks to efficiently exploit the result of its research activities. Our research will lead to new patent-protected technologies. Technology transfer will be possible towards companies already involved in partnerships. The creation of start-ups will also be promoted. In this regards, ICST will benefit from the support of several entities including the EUROBIOMED pole.